NTRCA Psychology written syllabus college level 2024

NTRCA Psychology written syllabus college level 2024

বেসরকারি শিক্ষক নিয়োগ (NTRCA) এর প্রিলি ইতিপূর্বে সম্পন্ন হয়ে গেছে। সামনে লিখিত পরীক্ষা এজন্য দরকার ভালো মানের প্রস্তুতি। আমরা জানি লিখিত পরিক্ষার সিলোবাস সম্পর্কে না জানি তাহলে তো আমরা ভালোভাবে প্রিপারেশন নিতে পারবো না। আজকে আমরা ntrca psychology written syllabus college level 2024 নিয়ে আলোচনা করব ।

ntrca psychology written syllabus college level 2024

1. Introduction

Definition and nature of Psychology. Psychology as a Science. Fields
of Psychology: Experimental, Physiological, Clinical, Counseling, Industrial,
Educational, Social and Development Psychology. Methods of Psychology:
Experimental, observational, Clinical, Case histories, Survey Method.

2. Learning

Definition and nature of Learning. Factors of Learning. Classical
Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Cognitive Learning, Latent Learning, Insightful
Learning: Memory and forgetting, Ways of measuring memory. General causes of

3. Perception

The nature of Perception. Selectivity in Perception.
1. Form Perception: Figure and ground, contour, Perceptual organization. Depth
perception: Monocular and Binocular cues to depth perception. Perception of
movement, Illusion and Hallucination.

4. Motivation and Emotion

Defining Motivation, Motivation Cycle, and Classification
of motives, Biological motives, Social motives, and Motivation theories. Nature of
emotion, Theories of emotion, Physiological changes in emotion. Behavioral changes
in emotion, Dealing with emotional behaviour.

5. Personality and Intelligence

Nature of personality. Determinants and Measuring of
personality. Type of personality. Definition of Intelligence. Concept of I.Q.
Measurement of Intelligence.

6. Socialization

Nature of Socialization. Process and agents of socialization. Effect of
Socialization. Impact of Culture on Personality.

7. Attitude and Job satisfaction

Characteristics and components of attitude.
Formation and change in attitude. Measurement of attitude and Job satisfaction.

8. Measurement and Evaluation

Need for measurement. Goals of the student
evaluation system. Characteristics of objective and Essay type tests.

9. Group and intergroup behaviour

Group dynamics, crowds, Rumour. prejudices.
Group cohesiveness, Sociometry inter group behaviour Conflict commitment, power
and politics.

10. Leadership

Definition approaches to the study of leadership, functions and types of
leaders; Effective leadership and its determinants. Leadership theories.

11. Psychology of being a teacher

Characteristics and behaviours of effective teacher.
Teacher as a Learner, Teacher-Student interaction, Teacher Centered approach to learning.

আরো পড়ুন:social psychology is basic science or an applied science